Ricetta di Daniele Russo Finalista del concorso Damned in Black

Il 31 Maggio 2020 si è concluso il concorso Damned in Black Proponiamo la ricetta di Daniele Russo, finalista del concorso Damned in Black Complimenti a Daniele, e lo ringraziamo per aver redatto la ricetta con Calcoliamo Birra, ed aver accettato di condividere la Ricetta.       Imperial Stout (formato zip) Per aprirle su […]

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Condivisione ricetta

Per condividere una ricetta, inviandola ad un amico mediatene email, o mediante Wathapp, Telegram, o latro software installato sul proprio telefonino, basta seguire questi semplici passi:   Fare Long click sulla ricetta da condividere:   dalla barra contestuale fare click sull’icona Share   scegliere con quale app condividere il file, Wathapp, mail, Gmail etc…   […]

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Share recipe on Facebook Group

We noticed that some users of Calcoliamo birra, to share the recipes, make screen shots made manually and then post the screens. We therefore want to write an article on the graphic sharing function that is present in our app. To share a recipe on a Facebook group, proceed as follows: Open the recipe you […]

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Versione 3.6.4

New features for version 3.6.4 – New malts and new yeasts added – Calculation FG with Algorithm of Calculate beer extended also to custom Yeasts. With this latest update, therefore, it is possible to have an estimate of the FG even with unlisted yeasts. Just create a custom yeast and give the correct average yeast […]

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Le 4 Ricette di Deola al Campionato Italiano MOBI 2019

Il giorno 1 Dicembre 2019 si è concluso il Campionato Italiano Mobi. //www.movimentobirra.it/ Questi i nomi dei primi 3 classificati Barozzi, Caccamo, Deola. In particolare Jacopo Deola,  ha redatto con il software Calcoliamo Birra le ricette che lo hanno portato fino alla finale. Jacopo Deola ci ha gentilmente inviati i file per essere pubblicati e […]

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Version 3.5.1

A few days after the last update, we thought it useful to release a new version, for two reasons: The first is that we realized that the indications relating to Whirlpool in the recipe were not indicated adequately when viewing the list of ingredients. We wanted to improve the volume calculations in the presence of […]

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Version 3.5.0

The changes introduced are the following: 1) The most important is the possibility of creating Custom Fermentables. In the past, however, in the case of creation of Customized malts were not possible through the FG estimate with our algorithm. With this change, even by creating custom fermentables it is possible to use the aforementioned algorithm. […]

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Create a custom fermentable

To create a custom Fermentable, proceed as follows: Tap on + icon   then we choose Malt We select the type of fermentable , we must choose from the following categories: BASE EXTRACT(Dry, Liquid) UNMALTED (All Unmalted fermentables) ROAST (Toasted and Roast) CARA (Caramel and  Crystal) SUGARS SPECIAL (Fermentables or funtional ingredient) MALTED CEREALS (Other malted […]

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Ricetta Sweet stout

A very dark, sweet, full-bodied, slightly roasty ale that can suggest coffee-and-cream, or sweetened espresso. Very dark brown to black in color. Can be opaque (if not, it should be clear). Creamy tan to brown head. Mild roasted grain aroma, sometimes with coffee and/or chocolate notes. An impression of cream-like sweetness often exists. Fruitiness can […]

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Action Bar Contextual

The action bar is the bar that in applications appears at the top of the screen. The action bar contextual, appears after  a selection action  on a list of elements of an app. In the case of  Calcoliamo Birra, the elements are our recipes, and we can select them with a long-click 1 2 the […]

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